My Playlist

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Thank you

Thank you God for...

-grace, sending your one and only son to die on the cross for my sins even though I deserve eternal punishment
-pouring out your love to me
-making me smile even when it's so hard
-giving me a heart and passion for orphanages, daycares, daycamps, vbs
-giving me a gift to serve others by handcrafting cards
-loving parents and family
-teaching and reminding me of Your faithfulness
-giving me friends who can make me laugh until my stomach hurts
-Sisters I can call and talk with for hours and hours long
-showing me the way, giving me perspective once again
-my identity in Christ not in anything/anyone else

True Love- Phil Wickham
Come close listen to the story
About a love more faithful than the morning
The Father gave His only Son just to save us

The earth was shaking in the dark
All creation felt the Fathers Broken Heart
Tears were filling Heaven's Eyes
The day that True Love died, the day that True Love died
When blood and water hit the ground
Walls we couldn't move came crashing down
We were free and made alive
The day that True Love died, The day that True Love died

Search your heart you know you can't deny it
Come on, lose your life just so you can find it
The Father gave His only Son just to save us

The Earth was shaking in the dark
All creation felt The Fathers broken heart
Tears were filling Heaven's Eyes
The day that True Love died, the day that True Love died
Find More lyrics at
When blood and water hit the ground
Walls we couldn't move came crashing down
We were free and made alive
The day that True Love died, The day that True Love died

Now, Jesus is alive

Jesus is alive
Jesus is alive
Jesus is alive
Jesus is alive
Oh, He is alive
He rose again

When blood and water hit the ground
Walls we couldn't move came crashing down
We were free and made alive
The day that True Love died, The day that True Love died

Come close listen to the story

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hippos Over the Years Part 2

Deuteronomy 31:6 (English Standard Version)

6A)">(A) Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them,B)">(B) for it is the LORD your God who goes with you.C)">(C) He will not leave you or forsake you."

Spring break was a really good week. I got to catch up with some friends here and there, but mostly I was able to meet up with the Hippos. Whether it was individually meeting up with them or as a whole. I have taken notice of something different... I now can see that they've truly grown to be such Godly women and heavy influences in their college fellowship(s). Seeing their servant hearts by being involved in ministry through leadership has encouraged me more and more. Out of the several hangout days, I remember having a conversation regarding relationships. She said something along the lines of, "If God took that person away, would I be devastated?" I feel that this question is such a tool for evaluating a relationship. On a higher note, we got to be kids again and be silly geese. Too bad we didn't go the the beach and Cal Poly's (our tradition). Anyways, I am so thankful that God gave me these awesome sisters to grow with. I would not have it any other way.


Cindyo- She's going to be doing missions in Compton, LA with either AACF or Pulse fellowship.

Hippos Over the Years

Why are we called the hippos?
One day in daycamp Cindyo called me Tiffo for short, because she was too lazy to call me by my first name. So what rhymes with Tiffo? Hippo? A perfect description of me- lazy, poor swimmer, likes to eat, and... Anyhoos, Cindy, Wendy, and Stephanie were amongst our conversation distance. So we decided to create a shorter version of our names.

What are we called?
Stepho the all known hippo- She's so popular! I mean everyone knows her. Who doesn't? :)

Cindyo the funky hippo- Her creative funkiness in designing birthday cards, drawings, and other stuff.

Wendo the dancing hippo- At that time we were preparing for TAD (Teacher's Appreciation Day) and Wendo being the dancer taught us some of her choreography to Britney Spears' top hit, "Hit Me Baby One more time" and Celine Dion's "One Heart". :)

Tiffo the hungee/original hippo- Food is awesome and I'm the original hippo!

I think after naming ourselves "hippos" has really caused us to click with one another. We spent a lot, I mean A LOT of time together. It mainly comprised of going to the beach and eating at Poly Ann's. It wasn't until the summer of our senior year (Stepho's sophomore year) we really got to get Poly Ann's together. We are really blessed to have one another through spiritual highs, lows, droughts, sharing, listening, and praying for one another. But it was with the help of our wonderful, committed high school fellowship leaders, Jen, Jaime, and Jerry. Their fellowship lessons was definitely thick whether it'd be sharing, reading the Word of God, playing lesson related games, and prayer nights. It's more than the company and friendships, what was so amazing about the fellowship was God, He was present and allowed us to grow in so many ways throughout our high school years. Because I had such a solid background of knowing God in high school, transitioning into college wasn't too tough. I'm sooo amazed, blessed, and thankful for the Lord planting people in my life to encourage me even when life gets tough.

A collection of hippo pictures: Old to New

Senior Video- Credits to my cousin, Joshua Wong.


Got Vitasoy?

Stepho and I happen to buy the exact same soy drink. I choose it because I thought it was Taro (the box was purple!), but it's a picture of a coconut! LOL.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

SFBC- Praise Night/ Blessed Mourn Sermon

What a joy and privilege it has been to attend SFBC over spring break! Yesterday was SFBC's Praise Night and Krusty had arranged a ride for me. Although in the beginning I would have preferred a familiar face to drive me, I was blessed with such an amazing conversation with a Sister in Christ from ETC*. After our conversations we realized that we have several mutual friends in UC Davis (cough, Compass!) and she had attended the same high school as me. What was so cool about getting to know her was the fact she really enjoyed working with kids and she had worked in a community center, which is about a block away from my house! Walking in, I saw someone wave and it was Steph Wong! WOW! :) It's been awhile since I have seen a few of my friends there. With that being said, the worship team did an amazing job in leading the congregation to worship! And one of the elders led us into a devotional!

*College Fellowship Group (LIGHT):A community of college students discovering together who God is and what He has planned for our world. Join us as we build friendships to last a lifetime.
Career ETC( Edified Through Christ) is the young adult career fellowship of San Francisco Bible Church. Our mission is to edify,to encourage, and to build one another as fellow brothers and sisters in Christ through times of sharing, worship, prayer, Bible study, and social activities.

Prayers for CPC's Mexico Missionary Trip! Go to archive to read more about how you can pray for them! :)
*Update, I believe they are on their way back today or already arrived back
Praise God for the team's commitment, love and trust in the Lord! I can't wait to hear more about it!

My Sermon Notes:

Blessed Grief
Matthew 5:4
Pastor Alton

Background: The Beattitudes , sermon on the mount
God's happiness is not based on temporary things, not based on what happens to me, but what I am, Focused on the heart

Want to be happy? Be poor in spirit. Those who come to the end and admit their sin, throw themselves at the feet of God v.3 the Kingdom of Heaven and salvation is theirs.

Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.
Happy should be the unhappy- sounds controversial.

Christ calls us to be sad? Yes. to pursue sadness
In life- the world says to do what it takes to not be sad.

Jesus says :) are the :(
Luke 6:25- Woe unto you.. laugh now for you shall mourn

How does mourning bring happiness
Mourning is not the sort of self pity, not depressed, NOT physical mourning .
Mourning has spiritual meaning

The Lord gives us a gift to grieve
Crying to release the pain for the healing process.
The Lord gives us that so we can experience something.

We are left to beg for forgiveness.
Become sooo aware of sin, causes us to weep over transgression
^ God's will for every Christian

The worldly sort of mentality is not to feel guilt over sin

Mirroring society - some churches today
"We have to change the songs in order to make us feel good, in order to meet the criteria."

2 versions of Amazing Grace
1. Traditional version. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that SAVED A WRETCH LIKE ME.
2. Contemporary version. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that came to set us free.
See the difference?

Mourning is appropriate
Psalm 53- One of the most beautiful picture of mourning over sin
^inspired scripture. Psalm 51- David regarded as remembered who sought after the heart of God.

However, David falls because of that one sin he had committed
2Samuel 11
Nathan says to David, You are THAT man."

A year after incident he writes Psalm 51.
Psalm is a raw confession of sin.
v. 1-9 Why we are to mourn inherit
v.3 we can be forgiven of our sins (1 John 1:9)
Cols. 1:1-4
Scripture tells us we are free from sin.
David writes our sin is over for us, but SINS AFFECTS OUR HEART AND MIND.

God can't forget anything, he is omnipotent.
When we sin, it remains in our minds, we aren't created to forget sin.
Memories- sin creates that lasts a long long time.
Sin will play on and on like a DVD player/ photograph
^to remember that this is a gift of God. So next time we can do what is right and repent.

Sexual sin- grace of God to make us pure. But people (intimate people) remains as memories

We do NOT forget.
One of consequences of David's sin- Lord took over David's son.
Abortion- women not considering the consequence/ affects in the future

David's sin- he had to live with.

2. Sin is ultimately against God.
v. 4 David says ultimately sinned only against God.
Even though he sinned against others (we are known as creation by God)
Only through God's law does it make it ultimately sin.
v. 1-2 Be gracious to me...

Trilogy of words- sin
1. Missing the mark, mark of God's law
ultimate standard of God's la. in anyway we sin against God.
2. Iniquity. Evil/corrupt something that's Good.
3. Transgression- cross beyond forbidden boundaries
Sin- we rebel against God's sovereignty, cosmic treason, dethrone God of His authority

God will not tolerate our act of rebellion
David does not qualify himself. He takes the entirety of his sin.
v. 4 David says, God you are always right, not me.
the sin that David had committed was by conscious choice
Committed against and before our blameless and just God

David called God has merciful when God took away his son, because God could of simply strike David, but God didn't

We are here today, by GOD'S MERCY
We learn from the life of David
David saw sin as what it is

3. Only then can we experience God's forgiveness.
Mourn with comfort/hope v.4
Psalm 51:7 purify me with...
David says "You make me clean for I CANNOT do anything."
He pleas for God's forgiveness and for cleansing
Mourning over sin- then we can experience God' forgiveness
v. 17 broke + contrite spirit
Based on what Jesus had done at the cross
The breaking of the law, God demands judgement
Jesus was used as a substitute for us
In 3 days Jesus rose again from the dead, He conquered death
At the cross judgement and mercy met


Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring Break

Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken- Resolved Worship
Aw man,I wish I could go to Resolved Worship! Next year, for sure!

What I did for spring break:
-Visited San Francisco Bible Church
-Spent time with Jennifer Tam, Stepho in Downtown
-Caught up with Cindyo @ Quickly's & Watched Princess and the Frog
-Baked some fondant cupcakes & cupcake for mom's birthday
-Finished 1 assignment out of 4
-Hippo hang out day with Wendo, Stepho @ Cheesecake Factory! We ate outside & what a nice day it was!
-Had dinner @ Naan and Curry with Jennifer
-Praise Night @ SFBC
-Slept over @ Stepho's
-Hung out with Stepho's Davis friends @ a crepes place

Hippos @ Cheesecake Factory in SF. :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Interesting Topic

I remember someone showing me this xanga page. So, why the random post? I think this is a really interesting topic. There are TONS of stories and entries like this one. So if you want to check it out, feel free to!

"Should I Marry That Future Doctor/Lawyer or Pastor/Missionary?

People always have this question. Many of my friends did or do. They're dating this guy/girl and they don't know if they should continue with the relationship. Their bf/gf plans to be a doctor and they're only applying to medical school right now. We're looking at another 7-8 years of being poor (relatively) and in debt.

Or say you're a girl and you meet this guy and he's pretty neat except that he wants to go to seminary and be a pastor/missionary. And then all of a sudden everyone and their mom is asking you if you're ok being a "pastor's wife" or want to be a missionary. People will start throwing out words like "calling" and asking questions like "do you feel called into ministry?" And you're like "what?!" "All I wanted is to date Billy!"

Well, I've seen it happen both ways. People date, get married and maybe the woman supports the man for 5+ years while he goes and gets his PhD/. Or I've seen it where they date, guy goes off to med school, girl sticks with him, and by the time he gets to year 4 or 5 of dating they break up. For whatever reason they thought it wise to date for that long. They probably should have gotten married but I'm guessing the guy didn't want to marry while he was flat broke and in debt. So it didn't happen.

So here are my guidelines for anyone dating someone that's going to be in school for a long time (PhD, MD, MBA, etc.) or doing something that will put you through the grinder (pastor, missionary, traveling circus acrobat, etc.):

1) Know the Timeline
Obviously you don't talk about this right away, but after you've been dating for a while and they've shared that they plan on moving to Dubai for this 6 year MBA program, you might want to ask where exactly do they see you fitting in to their plan. Will you marry and then go through school or will you wait till they finish before getting married?

2) Know Yourself
Can you do long distance relationships? Could you do 1 year of only weekly email messages and keep your enthusiasm and commitment up? Could you guard yourself from thrusting all your feelings and problems on random guy/girl that has a great listening ear? If you know you can't do a LDR then don't even try. Either get married, get engaged and move together, or break up. Can you handle being looked at funny since you're only a lowly landscape architect and she's earned a PhD and MD and is the go-to specialist in the field of lung cancer?

3) Know What You're Getting Yourself Into
an you handle being a missionary in random place X living in a village with facilities that make China squat toilets look glamorous? Are you ok with people always bringing all their problems to you (or your mate) and expect you to drop everything and help them? Are you ok if they're in the CIA and they don't share anything about work with you? Can you handle going through residency, having your mate putting in 80 hours a week with other attractive bright people doing things you know nothing about?

4) Know the $$$ (or lack thereof)Are you OK with having a small income or having to support your spouse for an extended period of time? Money is a big reason married couples fight. Especially if one spouse tends to be a spender and one a saver, or if one expects a certain standard of living. Can you be happy and together and poor? Hopefully you can.

5) Know Why They're Doing It

Do you agree that they'd make a great doctor? Should he become a pastor? Would you respect him and follow his leadership if he was? Does he have the confidence and character to become a lawyer and hold onto his values and integrity? Does your heart also long for the nations to come and know Jesus through overseas missionary work,
and you'd be OK being the one to go?

If you know all five of those things, and you and your bf/gf are in agreement on all five of those things you're going to probably do pretty well. Don't worry if you don't feel "called to be a pastor's wife" since that's a stupid way to put it anyways. If your boyfriend stopped seminary and didn't want to be a pastor anymore you wouldn't break up and find another seminarian because you "feel called to be a pastor's wife." But do worry about whether you're a Christian, whether you're OK being under extra scrutiny as a wife/mother, whether you can support your husband to do this, and how your career/goals may fit into the life of the family.

This goes for any major career pursuit. And I think most of all is this:
can you support them? Whether or not you think they'd be a good lawyer/doctor/pastor will dictate whether you become their greatest cheerleader and support, or if you'll be the one to kick them when they're down. If they value you more than this career pursuit, and you would love for them to succeed, then YES you should get married.

What do you think?" -define the relationship,xanga

So, what do you really think?

Love is STILL a Worthy Cause- Sara Groves

In the midst of passing bravery
In the face of our own injuries
Is the constant generosity of grace

It's the beauty in the tales we tell
It's the pressing on and ending well
It’s the joy that comes when we give our self away

I love because he loved me when i had nothing
I love because you loved me when i had nothing
I love because he loved me when i had nothing
I had nothing

When you count the cost and all seems lost
Love is still a worthy cause
When you're pressing on though your strength is gone
Love is still a worthy cause

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Just for Laughs

Hippo Videos

Cindyo, the musical hippo

Stepho the tooth-brushing hippo

Tiffo the farting hippo

Wendo the singing and dancing hippo

OMF- Overseas Missionary Fellowship

"What is OMF?
We are OMF International (formerly the China Inland Mission and Overseas Missionary Fellowship), founded by James Hudson Taylor in 1865."

We serve the church and bring the gospel to many of the countries in East Asia, and we have a pioneering ministry in the rest. We help place Christians with professional skills in China and other Asian countries, and share the love of Christ with East Asians worldwide.

I have been researching to do some sort of missionaries and the thought of long term missionary crossed my mind.

"Long Term service in East Asia with OMF

OMF look for members who will learn the language and get stuck in to the culture of the peoples of Asia. To understand first; then to seek to be understood. People who will keep going when the going gets tough. Persevering because God has called them, not depending on “results” for their sense of God’s leading. Building churches that will stand on their own with their own leadership. " -

I really want to serve overseas, but I'm not sure if my calling is to become a long term missionary. We'll see!

Short Term service in Shanghai, China with PESI

PESI summer of 2011! I'm super DUPER excited to see what the Lord has in store! :)

PESI!-> CHINA 2011!

Pour Out- Shawn Mcdonald

Pour out your water
That I might take a sip
Your love consumes me
Every drip
It is like Honey
On my lips
Pour out your water
That I might take a sip

Your words
are a lamp unto my feet
when I walk down these
Dark and Lonely streets
You are all I need

Pour out your mercy
and clear this busy mind
your love is like eden
a slice of apple pie
It is like sugar on my tongue
So pour out your mercy
clear my busy mind

Your words
are a lamp unto my feet
when I walk down these
Dark and Lonely streets
You are all I need

Monday, March 22, 2010

Prayers for Mexico

Continuous Prayers:
Let's be prayerful for CPC's mission team and keep them close to our hearts and minds for the next two weeks. The UC team were sent off to Mexico earlier this week. Also next week I believe the junior college students and high schoolers will be going down to Mexico to build a house or two.

I emailed Scott Vance, CPC's Student Minstries Pastor regarding answered prayers and prayers for Mexico and this is his response email. So let's pray for their safety, health, strength, growth, outreach, inreach, and more of God's love and grace. Ultimately for them to share the GOSPEL! :)

Hey Tiff,
Thanks for the good word. I forwarded this to Nish and asked him to send it on. God bless and thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for us.--
-Scott Vance

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Blessed Are Those Who Hunger

I realized that I haven't been to SFBC for about three months now and OH, what a JOY it was for me to learn and grow with such an amazing community of believers. Although some may agree that this church is on the extreme conservative side, I love how each and every sermon revolves around the GOSPEL. And even though I've only attended about 5 services, I feel such a strong sense of community and love that fills up the room.

The pastor has been doing a study: the sermon on the mount, Matthew 5. And today we went over the verse: Matthew 5:6 -"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."

If you want to listen in, here's the podcast! Click on the link: 03/21, 28.2mb -Blessed Hunger, Matt 5:6, Pastor Alton

Here are the notes I took in sermon, enjoy! :)

What is our response to recession? It's not about the recession per se, rather it is about how we respond to recession.
Recessions left us with no better response than with- distrusting God. (distrust, an overwhelming amount of negative attitudes towards God, such as anger)
Recession is when God changes our standards of living and we grow upset.

Recession is not the problem, however idolatry is the great problem of the day.
Bibically an idol is anything you seek or place above God. (such as: family, friends, career, relationships, children)
We pursue that, because we feel that it can make us happy.
So many of us are hungering and thirsting for idols. Rather we should hunger and thirst for God.

1. The call to spiritual hunger
Speaks for longing, desire that resides in our soul, a strong sense of yearning.
The Bible uses a really good analogy. Eating and drink - is ideal for the strongest craving.
It goes beyond a mild desire, rather an intense longing in order to live.
We don't really understand hunger/thirst (literally). Rather those who are literally dealing with hunger eat so they can live. Those who undergo starvation die of famine and drought.
Many have died, Africa have undergone starvation.
Hunger is known to be a close neighbor to 3rd world countries today.
This type of hunger- hunger and thirst for righteousness not physically, but spiritually
The person will travel anywhere/pay any amount of $$$- for water/food & only pursue that one thing (Persevere and do whatever it takes for it)
One who is hungry for spiritual food would do anything for it/do whatever it takes
Jesus says if you're hungry, come. I will draw near.
Those who are hungry are humble
They are willing to lay down their pride and rights when eating foods.
Sometimes we become food critics and have preferences regarding the food, whether it's too salty, too little, too sweet, to hard. (Professional food critic)
Seek to be fed, without expectations, do whatever it takes to be fed.
How often we are church critics who come up with preferences (different theology, music is too loud, too contemporary, too traditional)
The Persecuted (good example)- the hungry/thirsty (China, India) They worship in closed rooms, in restaurants, no instruments, secretly read the Bible
We at times complain about the facility. We need to repent about being a critic.
Does this hunger/thirst, a representation of your life?
Kinds of Christians- sometimes we label Christians as strong, chill, but rather there is one type of Christian. THOSE WHO HUNGER AND THIRST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS.

2. Object of Spiritual Hunger
Legal Righteousness= Justification
Moral Righteousness= Sanctification
Christ refers to both as necessary
Catholics/Jehovah's witness= work based salvation
1 sin is enough to condemn. God asks us to be wholly pure.
How can we obtain this? imputation of righteousness?
Legal righteousness- judge that pronounces us as righteous.
We need a foreign righteousness (Jesus Christ's Righteousness), for we cannot obtain righteousness.
God inputs Christ's righteousness to us
Christ who knew no sin, substituted himself
He dies a death for us, but righteous we are now in God's eyes.
God treated Christ like us, and us like Christ
He did this because he is merciful and kind
Moral righteousness-> sanctification <- character and conduct (Christ obtained this)

Psalm 63 (English Standard Version)

Psalm 63

My Soul Thirsts for You
A Psalm of David,A)">(A) when he was in the wilderness of Judah.
1O God, you are my God;B)">(B) earnestly I seek you;
C)">(C) my soul thirsts for you;
my flesh faints for you,
as inD)">(D) a dry and weary land where there is no water.
2So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary,
beholdingE)">(E) your power and glory.
3Because yourF)">(F) steadfast love is better than life,
my lips will praise you.
4So I will bless youG)">(G) as long as I live;
in yourH)">(H) name I willI)">(I) lift up my hands.

5My soul will beJ)">(J) satisfied as with fat and rich food,
and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips,
6when I remember youK)">(K) upon my bed,
and meditate on you in the watches of the night;
7for you have been my help,
and inL)">(L) the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.
8My soulM)">(M) clings to you;
your right handN)">(N) upholds me.

3. Promises of God
Blessed- you will be blessed. Happy and satisfied within God's kingdom
Happy does NOT come from those who seek for happiness
Paradox is- can't use happiness to make ourselves happy, rather to live out in Godliness. Happiness is internal, not external
They shall BE satisfied. John 4, 6:35

John 6:35 (English Standard Version)

35Jesus said to them, A)">(A) "I am the bread of life;B)">(B) whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.

What is keeping us from wholeheartedly thirsting for God? Don't pursue these things, but purse the ultimate thing, GOD

There is a God filled vacuum in us, no one can fill it up but God.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Pray for those going on missions to Mexico over Spring Break! :)

United Mexican States

Religion of Mexico- Secular state with freedom of conscience and practice of relgion. The 130- year break between the Mexican government and the Vatican ended with official relations being restored in 1992, and many restrictions on the Catholic Church being removed. Constitutional changes in 1992 also grant fairer treatment for religious minorities.

Religions- Population %, Adherents, Ann Gr.
Christian- 94.26% population, 93,205,503 Adherents, +1.7% Ann Gr.
non- Religious/other- 3.60, 3559,726, +1.6%
Traditional ethnic- 1,79, 1,769,975, -1.2%

Christians- Denominations, Affiliation %, ,000, Ann Gr.
Protestant- 285 Denominations, 6.20 Affiliation %, 6,128,000, +5.4% Ann Gr
Independent- 18, 1.81, 1,794, +3.3%
Anglican- 1, 0.02, 23, +2.5%
Catholic- 1, 89.50, 88,498, +1.4%

Missionaries from Mexico: P,I,A 649+ in 56 agencies to 44 countries: Mexico 557, USA 89, Spain 37

Missionaries to Mexico: P,I,A 2 140 in 190 agencies from 29 countries: USA 1,790, Canada 110, Korea 63, UK 29, Brazil 27

Answers to Prayer:
1. The peaceful democratic change of government- in 2000 with expectation for positive change
2. The steady growth of Evangelicals- along with the lowering of legal and social barriers for ministry. Evangelicals in 1960 were 2.1% (800,000), but now by 2000 were over 7% (7 million). Some claim that Evangelicals are now 15-20% of the population, however this is unlikely.

Challenges for Prayer
1.This dynamic, growing nation is searching for an identity- in its Hispanic and Indian roots. This has led to a fierce nationalism and demonstrations of independence from its large northern neighbour, the USA, along with its commitment to close economic countries in NAFTA. This is often expressed in anti-Protestant populist propaganda. Pray that Mexicans may find their true identity in a personal faith in Christ.
2. Persecution of Evangelicals- has been a growing feature in Mexico
a.) At a national level the media regularly, in vitriolic terms, portray Evangelicals as anti-Mexican spies and destroyers of culture. The exponential growth of Evangelicals has disturbed the conservative wing of the catholic Church. Pray that evangelical growth may stimulate reform and renewal rather than persecution!
b.) At a local level, and especially in the poor Amerindian-majority souther states of Chiapas and Oaxaca, there have been numerous incidents of mob violence, crop-burnings, destruction of churches and homes, enforced expulsions of whole evangelica communities from their villages, harassment o evangelistic outreach and arrests of believers on trumped-up charges. Pray that believers may demonstrate the meekness and love of their Saviour when maltreated. Pray also for the full implementation of religious freedom at both nation and local levels
3. Missionary to young people is vital. Over 50% of the population is under 20 years of age. This staggering challenge is only being partially met.
a.) University Students. There are 3.8 million in over 9,500 campuses. Outreach is yielding exciting results. Pray for the wide-ranging ministries of CCC9 on campus and among churches), for IFES, and for outreach to high school students.
b.) Teenagers. Few churches have targeted them; most programmes are geared for adults.
c.) Street children, especially in Mexico City. There may be up to 600,000 who sleep rough and DESPERATELY NEED LOVE AND HELP.
d.) Christian camping. Christian Camping International runs nearly 200 camps around the country. Many other agencies and denominations have such ministry too. Pray for this well-used and fruitful ministry.
4. Foreign Missionaries'- legal position was for years ambiguous and restrictive, but religious visas can be now obtained. The great majority are US citizens, so they need sensitivity and tact in their cultural adaptation to overcome the percieved disadvantaged of their origin and wealth. Missionaries from outside North America are less than 20% of the total, but face fewer cultural and historical negatives. Openings are many for missionaries in children's and youth work, evangelism and church planting, and especially in leadership training.
5. Mexico City- is a major challenge! Its growth rate has slowed because of its air pollution and inadequate infrastructure. The Metropolitan Area is still one of the world's largest urban agglomerations. Only about 1.9% of the population is actively involved in one of the 2,300 or so evangelical congregations. Pray for:
a.) The 1,000 or so neighborhoods without an evangelical congregation- especially needy are the upper-class areas.
b.) The slum-dwellers. Of the 18 million poor, over 7 million live in squalid housing as squatters in desperate economic conditions. Christian ministry to them is fraught with difficulty and challenge. Few are prepared to commit themselves to it.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What is the Prosperity Gospel?

"through the deepest pain, God IS enough."

Early Childhood Educational Center

I recently decided to volunteer this semester at the Early Childhood Educational Center (ECEC) on campus. Thus far, I've volunteered for two consecutive days and I'm sooo POOPED.

A gist of what it's like: There's three age groups and they are categorized and separated into 3 classrooms: Infants, toddlers and preschoolers. The Director of the ECEC, Danielle placed me into a classroom of 20 preschoolers who are all about 3-4 year old (completely different from the last time I volunteered, which was comprised of only 5 preschoolers during the summer). The kids are definitely loaded up with tons of sugar which is then converted into energy. They are literally bouncing off walls, eating playdoh, picking their boogers, putting everything in their mouth, bullying other kids, and more. And I'm exhausted even though I only volunteer about 2-2 1/2 hours a day too. I never really intended on volunteering everyday, but somehow there are three preschoolers who happen to be Chinese, aka they speak mostly in Mandarin. So there's some sort of language barrier between the teachers and kids. When the teachers had found out that I can speak a tiny bit of Mandarin, they were so happy and excited! I had just taken an entire year worth of Mandarin my first year in college, but it's not enough to fully understand these kids. The teachers thought that it would be helpful if I could volunteer there more often by communicating with them. It's really tiring but I really do enjoy it. I can't wait to apply for a job/internship there! I think this is such a great opportunity for me to see if I really want to work in an orphanage, (perhaps in China?). So I need to utilize my Mandarin more + more.

Oh! And it's pretty cool that Christy and I are volunteering together! :) Hopefully she gets Preschoolers too!

Crocs+volunteering = #1, the most comfortable shoe to wear while volunteering!

What makes CROCS soo AWESOME!

Praise the Lord for all that He has done, is doing, and will do!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A place I can call home.

I'm thankful for my housemates!

From random yogurt runs to all you can eat buffets, baking, late night movies, settlers, sleepovers, hilarious conversations, and many more to come! :)

Amazing Grace

I'm still in the transitioning stage, but it's sad reality when someone you "know" become someone you knew. Moving past the hurt and pain, what a joyous day it is when God was someone I knew but now He IS someone I know!

"AMAZING GRACE, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once WAS LOST, but NOW I'm FOUND. Was blind, but now I see."

God is good! Amen? Amen!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Come Thou Fount- Jars of Clay

Encouraging lyrics! :) I love singing hymns in church and what a treat it was to sing some in service today!

Come Thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above
Praise the mount I'm fixed upon it
Mount of Thy unchanging love

Here I raise my Ebenezer
Hither by Thy help I come
And I hope by Thy good pleasure
Safely to arrive at home
Jesus sought me when a stranger
Wondering from the fold of God
He, to rescue me from danger
Interposed His precious blood

O to grace how great a debtor daily I'm constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee
Prone to wander Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart Lord, take and seal it, seal it for Thy courts above

Fun-sized Weekend!

1. Settlers- Wow! It's such a fun game to play! :) I had no idea on what I've been missing on! I'm really glad that my housemates taught me how to play. All night, every night. More like weekends! Haha.

2. All you can eat sushi- Road trip to Sacramento! :)

3. All you can eat Salad Bar & 6 oz. steak/baked potato/bread.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

It Is What It Is- Lifehouse

But maybe there’s no making it now
Too long we’ve been denying
Now we’re both tired of trying

We hit a wall and we can’t get over it
Nothing to relive
It’s water under the bridge
You said it, I get it
I guess it is what it is
I was only trying to bury the pain

But I made you cry and I can’t stop the crying
Was only trying to save me
But I lost you agai
Now there’s only lying
Wish I could say it’s only me

GOD is STILL sovereign in all that He does. God's plans is always >.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Walking, waiting.

Everyone has a specific spot as to where they read their Bible, pray, seek for the Lord's guidance, repent, and experience. Whether it'd be at home, the nearby park, library, or even the bathroom. My quiet time with the Lord would be while I am walking to and from the bus stop. It usually takes about 15-20 minutes to walk from and to the bus stop. Although it's a long walk, I'm given this opportunity to just look at the scenery, Yosemite mountains, sunset, different formations of the clouds, and more! I really want to go to Yosemite now! It's not only a good work out but I get to spend time with God, the creator of it all.

The lyrics below is a gist of how I feel when I'm surrounded by God's glory, beauty, grace, and love.

It's the first song that's playing right now on my blogspot. Enjoy! :)

Captivated- Shawn Mcdonald

When I look into the mountains I see Your face
When I look into the night sky it sparkles Your Name

The wind in the clouds and the blue in the sky
The sun and the moon and the stars so high
That's what draws me to You

I am
I'm captivated by You
(You know that You do)
I am
I'm captivated

When I wake unto the morning it gives me your sights
When I look across the ocean it echoes Your might

The sand on the shore and the waves in the sea
The air in my lungs and the way You made me
That's what draws me to You

The wind in the clouds and the blue in the sky
The sun and the moon and the stars so high
The sand on the shore and the waves in the sea
The air in my lungs and the way You made me

The blood in my veins and my heart You invade
The plants how they grow and the trees and the shade
The way that I feel and the Love in my soul
I thank you my God for letting me know

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

:) Blessed!

Lake Charles, Louisiana Missionary Trip (CPC)

Over the past couple of weeks, there has been several transitions from moving into a new house to dropping two of my harder classes to rebuilding friendships with my Sisters and last but not least, being amazed by God once again. Words can't emphasize how much joy I have at the moment. Hopefully more days filled with joy to come! I was able to meet up with a few of my Sisters in Christ I had lost contact with for over the past year, but God has truly blessed our conversations as I met up with them. I am definitely encouraged by their heart for God and me. I feel so loved upon. And I am definitely thrilled to spend my last couple of years in UC Merced! Oh my, there's just been so much going on, but a few of my greater blessings that I have right now are my housemates. I know I've lived with them for only a couple of weeks, but I love spending time with them, whether it'd be watching TV, cooking, eating, talking, laughing, and doing the most random things together. :) It's bittersweet to know that I only have a year and half left with them, but I am looking forward to these fun-filled days. One of the craziest trip I've had with them was going to Modesto and Stockton on a Sunday afternoon to watch Alice in Wonderland in IMAX 3D! Didn't get back until the next day. Another greater blessing that I'm thankful for, are my parents. They're really amazing in terms of trusting in God's plans, loving my brother, sister, and I, and being supportive in terms of what I want to do in life. Last but not least, my

GREATEST blessing of all is The GOSPEL.

John 3:16 (English Standard Version)

For God So Loved The World

16"ForA)">(A) God so lovedB)">(B) the world,a]">[a]C)">(C) that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should notD)">(D) perish but have eternal life.

Isaiah 53 (English Standard Version)

Isaiah 53

1A)">(A) Who has believed what he has heard from us?a]">[a]
And to whom hasB)">(B) the arm of the LORD been revealed?
2For he grew up before him like a young plant,
C)">(C) and like a root out of dry ground;
D)">(D) he had no form or majesty that we should look at him,
and no beauty that we should desire him.
3E)">(E) He was despised and rejectedb]">[b] by men;
a man of sorrows,c]">[c] and acquainted withd]">[d] grief;e]">[e]
and as one from whom men hide their facesf]">[f]
he was despised, andF)">(F) we esteemed him not.

4G)">(G) Surely he has borne our griefs
and carried our sorrows;
yet we esteemed him stricken,
H)">(H) smitten by God, and afflicted.
5I)">(I) But he was wounded for our transgressions;
he was crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
J)">(J) and with his stripes we are healed.
6K)">(K) All we like sheep have gone astray;
we have turned—every one—to his own way;
L)">(L) and the LORD has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.

7He was oppressed, and he was afflicted,
M)">(M) yet he opened not his mouth;
N)">(N) like aO)">(O) lamb that is led to the slaughter,
and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent,
so he opened not his mouth.
8By oppression and judgment he was taken away;
and as for his generation,P)">(P) who considered
that he was cut off out of the land of the living,
stricken for the transgression of my people?
9And they made his grave with the wicked
Q)">(Q) and with a rich man in his death,
althoughR)">(R) he had done no violence,
and there was no deceit in his mouth.

10YetS)">(S) it was the will of the LORD to crush him;
he has put him to grief;g]">[g]
T)">(T) when his soul makesh]">[h] an offering for guilt,
he shall see his offspring; he shall prolong his days;
U)">(U) the will of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. 11Out of the anguish of his soul he shall seei]">[i] and be satisfied;by his knowledge shallV)">(V) the righteous one, my servant,
W)">(W) make many to be accounted righteous,
X)">(X) and he shall bear their iniquities.
12Y)">(Y) Therefore I will divide him a portion with the many,j]">[j]
Z)">(Z) and he shall divide the spoil with the strong,k]">[k]
because he poured out his soul to death
and was numbered with the transgressors;
AA)">(AA) yet he bore the sin of many,
and makes intercession for the transgressors.

Prayers for Slovakia

Reasons why I chose Slovakia? During the Olympic Season 2012, I watched hours and hours of sports. And out all the sports I had watched, what intrigued me the most was curling. (Figure skating and snowboarding are pretty cool too!) And Team USA vs. Slovakia happened to be showing.

A bit of background for Slovakia: Religion- The constitution provides for freedom of religion, and the government respects this in practice.

"Challenges for Prayer:
1. Slovakia has a strong Christian heritage-but the Catholic and mainline Protestant churches (Lutheran and Reformed) are more traditional and the majority of congregation are declining in numbers and attendance. The Lutheran Church holds an annual youth conference which draws a considerable number of young people. Prayer against spirit of passivity and even cynicism and pray for a revelation of God's glory so that many become enthused for the Kingdom in these denominations.
2.Less reached peoples:
a.) Hungarians make up more than 10% of the population. There has been tensions between Slovaks and Hungarians over the issue of minority rights and language use. Pray for fair and just solutions. Pray that Hungarian Christians may be mobilized to reach their kin in Slovakia.
b.) The Roma (Gypsies) have a different culture and worldview. They are often disliked and mistrusted. Attempts have been made to help them but they are suspicious and resistant to change. Pray for understanding as to how to help them most effectively and for love that will overcome the barriers and stereotypes that hinder spiritual ministry. There are some ministries committed to reach them. " (Johnstone and Mandryk 569-570)

Pictures of Slovakia

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Who Are You?/ Graduation Plans

10:45 PM cousin: hey
10:48 PM me: hello!
cousin: apprerntly
so today
someone from merced called my house to congrat me for getting in
and apprently
they know you
me: wait what do you mean??
cousin: so
10:49 PM someone called my house
and congradualted me
for getting in
and they asked me questions and stuff
and they asked me if i wanted more information
and i said no cause my cousin goes
and she was like who
and i told her ur name
and she was like i know her
and yea
10:50 PM me: what's her name?? lol
cousin: iono
me: is she a student
or faculty
cousin: student
10:54 PM me: hahah interesting
cousin: yea
she said she would let u know
10:56 PM me: haha cool!
cousin: yea
10:57 PM she also mentioned to me that u were a christian
and goes snowboarding

Who is this person? I'm curious now. Oh and congratulations to my cousin who got into UC Merced! :). I can't even imagine the anticipation of waiting on acceptance and rejection letters for college.

Recently, I made an appointment with my graduation advisor and praise the Lord I'm still able to graduate early. That is if I take 3 summer school courses (Arts 102, Perception Psychology, Biological Anthropology). Class of 2011! (If I pass all my classes!) It's been surreal for me to even think about graduation, but it's coming up! When they say college goes by faster than high school.. they're right! But I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store for me. So far my plans (If the Lord wills), I want to apply to graduate school (UC Davis preferably! Maternal and Child Nutrition?). If I get into a graduate school, I would take graduate school over the school year and get my second Master's degree over the summer over at Master's College (Master of Arts in Biblical Studies/Counseling). Although it feels like I have a plan, I know that God's plan surpasses my plans. But these are just my thoughts upon graduation. I'm not 100% certain yet. :)

MORE OF YOU and less of me.