I didn't really get the chance to serve the incoming freshmen nor did I make effort to get to know them last year. But there's something about this year where my heart is really looking forward to serving these amazing bunch of people. Perhaps it has to do with someone from my church and 2nd cousin attending UC Merced next year, I don't know. I am not meriting myself rather it is God's grace that is so undeserving for me. God sometimes takes people out of our lives so we are able to meet new people. I am in a different place and environment compared to last year. Though last year was a trialing time for me, I've grown from these mistakes and I am growing everyday! There's so much I have to learn about serving others, the Word, faith, etc! But I'm open to what God has for me!
"I am a great sinner, but I have a great Savior" - John Newton
PS. OH and I want to go to Yosemite!

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