I'm truly thankful that I am receiving this opportunity to meet a few freshmen. Ahh, that's all I can blog about. But I guess you can tell I'm that excited to see where God leads us. So originally I wasn't going to take summer classes. Sometimes you get this tugging from God to do His will. A friend of mine back at home asked my reasoning behind staying for summer session this year. I decided to take summer courses because I am pretty much behind if I wanted to apply for graduation fall 2011. A month after enrolling into summer courses, I felt this nudge on my heart to serve on leadership despite my shortcomings. And this led to me wanting to table for orientation. After taking the strengthfinder test, I was asked what I wanted to do. I replied, "serving and plugging in the freshmen class by being intentional with them." (For a second I did not know where that came from and not knowing if I was passionate about serving the first years). Last week I realized my heart for the incoming freshmen. I got to spend time and get to know the freshmen. They are so unique in every way and they remind me of how I was like my freshmen year. I'm uber encouraged to see their hearts of service and their gratefulness. And my heart from serving them as much as I can is motivated by God's unconditional love. It's contagiousss! <3
Hm, I think that I'm committing my last year in a half to serving the incoming freshmen. :)
Sorry I am grammatically incorrect today. I am exhausted and ready to dive into beddd :)
English Standard Version (©2001)
We love because he first loved us
1 John 4:19
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