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Sunday, March 7, 2010

What Fits on a Corner and Can Travel Around the World?

-A stamp!

Operation World is basically a book that lists all of the countries in the world (from countries such as Peru, Nauru, South Korea, Jordan, Mizoram, Ecudador, & more!), what type of challenges the country faces, and how we can prayer for them. Patrick Johnstone and Jason Mandryk are the authors of the book.

For a better description of the book you can go on their website to find more information: Operation World

Places I want to go:
Uganda, Africa

Zimbawe, Africa (Victoria Falls)

Answers to Prayer (Zimbabwe):
"Target 2000, the multi-denominational vision for saturation church planting, set the goal of doubling the number of churches from 10,000 in 1992 to 20,000 in 2000- the goal was reached!" (Johnstone, Mandryk689).
Challenges for Prayer (Zimbabwe):
"The AIDS calamity in Zimbawe is one of the world's worst cases. A combinationi of government neglect, lack of healthcare resources, promiscuity and social reluctance to face up to the drastic measures required are the root causes. Over 25% of all adults carried the virus by 2000; the number of orphans had risen to nearly 1 million (9% of the population). Deaths rose to 700 a week and the economy and life expectancy has plummeted. Pray for:
a.) A radical change in hearts and attitudes to sex and to AIDS itself.
b.) Effective government, NGO and church action to stop the spread the infection
c.) Specific programmes run by the Christian agencies to address the issue. Pray that all churches might face up to moral, spiritual and economic implications of the pandemic for their minsitry" (Johnstone, Mandryk690).

Side note:
It's amazing how God is so beautiful everywhere from Merced to Africa to England to China. Although the temperature, humidity, surroundings may be different and yet it's still oh so beautiful.

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