United Mexican States
Religion of Mexico- Secular state with freedom of conscience and practice of relgion. The 130- year break between the Mexican government and the Vatican ended with official relations being restored in 1992, and many restrictions on the Catholic Church being removed. Constitutional changes in 1992 also grant fairer treatment for religious minorities.
Religions- Population %, Adherents, Ann Gr.
Christian- 94.26% population, 93,205,503 Adherents, +1.7% Ann Gr.
non- Religious/other- 3.60, 3559,726, +1.6%
Traditional ethnic- 1,79, 1,769,975, -1.2%
Christians- Denominations, Affiliation %, ,000, Ann Gr.
Protestant- 285 Denominations, 6.20 Affiliation %, 6,128,000, +5.4% Ann Gr
Independent- 18, 1.81, 1,794, +3.3%
Anglican- 1, 0.02, 23, +2.5%
Catholic- 1, 89.50, 88,498, +1.4%
Missionaries from Mexico: P,I,A 649+ in 56 agencies to 44 countries: Mexico 557, USA 89, Spain 37
Missionaries to Mexico: P,I,A 2 140 in 190 agencies from 29 countries: USA 1,790, Canada 110, Korea 63, UK 29, Brazil 27
Answers to Prayer:
1. The peaceful democratic change of government- in 2000 with expectation for positive change
2. The steady growth of Evangelicals- along with the lowering of legal and social barriers for ministry. Evangelicals in 1960 were 2.1% (800,000), but now by 2000 were over 7% (7 million). Some claim that Evangelicals are now 15-20% of the population, however this is unlikely.
Challenges for Prayer
1.This dynamic, growing nation is searching for an identity- in its Hispanic and Indian roots. This has led to a fierce nationalism and demonstrations of independence from its large northern neighbour, the USA, along with its commitment to close economic countries in NAFTA. This is often expressed in anti-Protestant populist propaganda. Pray that Mexicans may find their true identity in a personal faith in Christ.
2. Persecution of Evangelicals- has been a growing feature in Mexico
a.) At a national level the media regularly, in vitriolic terms, portray Evangelicals as anti-Mexican spies and destroyers of culture. The exponential growth of Evangelicals has disturbed the conservative wing of the catholic Church. Pray that evangelical growth may stimulate reform and renewal rather than persecution!
b.) At a local level, and especially in the poor Amerindian-majority souther states of Chiapas and Oaxaca, there have been numerous incidents of mob violence, crop-burnings, destruction of churches and homes, enforced expulsions of whole evangelica communities from their villages, harassment o evangelistic outreach and arrests of believers on trumped-up charges. Pray that believers may demonstrate the meekness and love of their Saviour when maltreated. Pray also for the full implementation of religious freedom at both nation and local levels
3. Missionary to young people is vital. Over 50% of the population is under 20 years of age. This staggering challenge is only being partially met.
a.) University Students. There are 3.8 million in over 9,500 campuses. Outreach is yielding exciting results. Pray for the wide-ranging ministries of CCC9 on campus and among churches), for IFES, and for outreach to high school students.
b.) Teenagers. Few churches have targeted them; most programmes are geared for adults.
c.) Street children, especially in Mexico City. There may be up to 600,000 who sleep rough and DESPERATELY NEED LOVE AND HELP.
d.) Christian camping. Christian Camping International runs nearly 200 camps around the country. Many other agencies and denominations have such ministry too. Pray for this well-used and fruitful ministry.
4. Foreign Missionaries'- legal position was for years ambiguous and restrictive, but religious visas can be now obtained. The great majority are US citizens, so they need sensitivity and tact in their cultural adaptation to overcome the percieved disadvantaged of their origin and wealth. Missionaries from outside North America are less than 20% of the total, but face fewer cultural and historical negatives. Openings are many for missionaries in children's and youth work, evangelism and church planting, and especially in leadership training.
5. Mexico City- is a major challenge! Its growth rate has slowed because of its air pollution and inadequate infrastructure. The Metropolitan Area is still one of the world's largest urban agglomerations. Only about 1.9% of the population is actively involved in one of the 2,300 or so evangelical congregations. Pray for:
a.) The 1,000 or so neighborhoods without an evangelical congregation- especially needy are the upper-class areas.
b.) The slum-dwellers. Of the 18 million poor, over 7 million live in squalid housing as squatters in desperate economic conditions. Christian ministry to them is fraught with difficulty and challenge. Few are prepared to commit themselves to it.
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