Please pray for China. There were soo many prayer requests listed in Operation World for China. I picked a few that stood out to me the most.
China- Peoples' Republic of China
"Answers to Prayer:
1. The survival and reviving of the Church in China- was one of the decisive events of the 20th Century.
2. The millions of intercessors who travailed- in prayer for the long-delayed breakthrough . The cumulative impact of 150 years of global prayer for China has been enormous. Prayer IS changing China.
3. The faith and commitment of Christians- under what may prove to be the most harsh and widespread persecution of the Church in all history. The persecution purified and indigenized the Church and has inured it to successive waves of further repression and government efforts to weaken and destroy it.
4. The loving witness of ordinary Christians- ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit. His power has often been manifested in miracles. The majority of these evangelists and church planters have been women- many still in their teens. In many areas 70-80% of the Christians are women.
Challenges for Prayers:
1. There may only be a 10 year window of opportunity - for receptivity. Materialism with increasing wealth, the debilitating effects of spreading corruption, the moral decline and the social impact of the one-child policy all are conspiring to blunt the cutting edge of the Church. Pray that present openness in the midst of opposition may be used to the full.
2. The 'One Child' policy- taming the growth of the population. Family life has been deeply impacted, shown in: a higher divorce rate, 10m abortions a year (nearly all girls), suicide (40% of the world's suicides are in China), pampered children with poor interpersonal skills and the abandonment of baby girls and older people. The rising generation will pay a heavy cost- in 2000 there were 90m marriageable unmarried men; in some areas young men outnumber young women by 30-40%- rape, abductions, female slavery, incest, prostitution and the rapid spread of AIDS could all be the result. Pray for family stability and health. Pray also for wise policies to be implemented that will stabilize the population.
3. The unregistered or house church networks- are the heart of the true Church in China. Intense persecution has indigenized and purified it." (Johnstone and Mandryk 161-162)
I've always wanted to work in an orphanage whether it'd be temporarily or permanently. There's so many kids who don't experience the love of their parents. I can't even begin to comprehend the situations these kids have gone through.
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