Pictures Speak A Thousand Words:

^Above is the infant room @ UCMerced.
Volunteer Job- Early Childhood Educational Center. I volunteered at the preschool on campus at UCMerced for about a year in a half. Sadly Miss Christina left to take a job up in the Bay and Mrs. Amanda is on maternity leave. The entire dynamics of the classroom changed and one of the teachers I had worked with asked if I wanted to volunteer in the infant room. I definitely feel less drained volunteering in the infant room. Extremely different from what I am accustomed to.
The three other jobs:
1. Research Assistant in Professor Michelle Chouinard's Lab- Recruitment, Lab, Mandatory Meetings
2. Translator/Interpreter for Cantonese/English (Temporary)
3. Natural Sciences in Education- Teach Science in Fremont third grade
Aside from school, I've been to two retreats for DIVE.
Being on leadership is so fun and I enjoy forming relationships with the freshmen. :)

Freshmen Retreat-

^Freshmen Retreat wit Dive Leaders
Fall Retreat- Free Time
Fall Retreat-Free Time/ Rock CLIMBING (My first time. SOOO SCARY!)
Fall Retreat- Games/Worship/Sermon (Not sure why I raised my two hands)
Other Activities! Miscellaneous
Giants Game with High School Friends- Saturday, October 2nd (Giants v. Padres) Giants lost :(
Giant's Game- BUSTER POSEY! <3 style="width: 629px; height: 472px;" alt="" src="">
Giant's Game- Natalie and I (I've known her since 3rd grade! We attended the same school from 3rd grade til senior year in high school.)
Giant's Game- Left to Right: Christine's Brother, Christine, Mel, Nat
More updates to come! :)

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