Recently it's been quite a challenge to look at the future, because I have so much to get done. Over the summer, I will be taking 12 units: Anthropology 5 (Evolution with lab), Arts 102 (Hist Clothing Cost. Fashion) and Cognitive Science 140 (Perception). Class registration for Fall 2010 is coming up tomorrow, 8am. So hopefully I'll get into my classes with a whopping load of 18 units: Psy 10 (Stats), NSED (Teaching Science Elementary Students) and two upper division Psychology courses, and an art course.
-The calm before the storm, but I know with the Lord's strength I'll be okay. :)
*Update- Ahhh! Praise the Lord, I got the classes I wanted! Even though I didn't get into WRI 101 at 2pm, I'll just take it another semester.
ART 1-Learning to See: Beginner Drawing
NSED- Introduction to Teaching Science in Elementary School/Fieldwork: Introduction to Teaching Science in Elementary School
PSY 10- Analysis of Psychological Data
PSY 124- Health Disparities
PSY 181- Clinical Neuropsychology
18 units, I'm most excited for NSED and ART haha. It will be an interesting semester and hopefully well worth it. :)
In addition to the courses liste above, I'm also praying to see where God leads me, in terms of the role that I play at the Early Childhood Educational Center. Working there has always been my desire, but we'll see how God pans it out. :D
Volunteering for the past two days was pretty neat. Kids are energetic as usual. I don't know why, but I just love volunteering there! :) Yesterday, I met a preschooler who had warts :( Poor kid. Sometimes I want to share the love of Jesus through words to these kids, but I can't. They are all sooo love by God. But what I do hope is that my actions are showing it. It's really sad to know that not all of the kids there will be receptive to the Word of God.
Sadly I didn't do too well on my second exam for Abnormal Child Psychology, but God is still good, but on a higher note, my brother texted me telling me of his acceptance to UCDavis! Lol. He got Aggied! Praise God! I love Compass Fellowship up in Davis. Although I have yet to attend a Bible study, small group or large group, I love the people there! So we'll see if Compass is right for my brother.
I can't wait to apply for the credential program in UCD. It seems like such an awesome campus! I've been on campus at UCD 3x more than SFState. Lol.
Random thoughts:
Usually I don't blog about relationships for personal reasons. But today it is not the case. I remember having a conversation with someone and it was about break ups. My friend stated and questioned, how can we discern the difference between a Christian couple and a non Christian couple who had broken up? Can we see the fruits? If someone, who had no clue about the relationship saw the broken up couple interact, can the outsider tell? Is there love, forgiveness, friendship, and most importantly, is God in the picture? Someday, I hope to be somewhere along the lines of a Christian break up. I want to be okay when he has moved on, because Christ secures and strengthens me. God took him away, am I devastated? I want to be able to: Forgive. Unattached. Friends. Fruits of the Spirit. Because I am forgiven and loved by the blood of Jesus.
1 John 4:19 (English Standard Version)
19A)">(A) We love because he first loved us.
Ephesians 1:7 (English Standard Version)
7A)">(A) In him we haveB)">(B) redemptionC)">(C) through his blood,D)">(D) the forgiveness of our trespasses,E)">(E) according to the riches of his grace,
Is Nathan going to UCD?
ReplyDeleteHey Christina! :) I believe so or you can ask him! UCD is the CUMC to go spot nowadays.